Monday, January 25, 2010

People’s Festival ( Makkal Thiruvizha)-2009

The year-end festival Makkal Thiruvizha -2009 was celebrated on the 31st December 2009. More than 4000 people-the members of the self help group, People with disability, Members of Thulir program and the public participated in the event. It started at 9 am and ended at 2pm. All the five hours was filled with folk cultural programs, songs and dances. We also had competitions for the participants-Rangoli, identification of herbs, singing , fancy dress and so on. All the participants were given gifts.

The People’s Community college was inaugurated by Mr.Mathiyazhagan-Asst. District project coordinator-SSA. It is yet another new initiative of PCTC. There will be separate posting on community college soon. We had demonstration of wood turning unit and Palm leaf products for the Public.

Annie and Christian Tirgry were our special guests this year too as last year. They had made a film on PCTC programs. This 17 minutes DVD film has come out very well – English and French.

This festival gives every-one an opportunity to meet and share what ever has happened during last year. For the people with disability an opportunity for social integration and to bring out their hidden potentials which makes their parents proud. This effort will continue and all the participants bid bye to every-one hoping to meet next year.

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